Sunday, October 10, 2010


I really want to post my pictures from Friday night, but I'm going to bed early instead.  This is a very long week coming up and I still have a sore throat!  The whole weekend was pretty typical Scotland weather - overcast, warm, then cold, windy, drizzling then not...  It was fine with me because I really needed to not get distracted by the sunshine :-).  I also got a ton of household items done - laundry, cleaned my flat thoroughly, moved furniture for the flooring guys, grocery shopped, went through my mail, paid bills, washed the Bingo Boyz and straightened up in general.

Inevitably, the Bingos got on my desk and sat on my books and work.  I had just come back from the park with them (played soccer) and they had muddy paws.  Harley jumped up on my desk.  He can only do this because it butts up to my couch.  They love to come say 'Hi' and just sit on my papers, computer, whatever is on my desk.  Harley was tired so he came up and just plopped himself down to sleep, not without first leaving a muddy paw print on my computer. Eye yeye yeye.

As I mentioned, a long week ahead.  I have 4 practicals this week.  That means 4 of my days I end somewhere between 3 and 530 pm.  Wednesday is always short and ends at noon for me.  But, I have the flooring guys coming allllll day Tuesday and Wednesday to rip up the nasty carpet in both bedrooms and sand my wood floors.  This is going to be fantastic, but takes some preparation with moving all furniture out of both bedrooms and then dealing with workers for two days.  It will be worth it though!

Meeting more and more people...different students in other years of vet school and students in completely different programs.  I love it. Another student and I are the only ones from our class who go to St. Albert's for mass...well, until tonite that is.  Another mature student in her 30's showed up!  Yay.  She's been out of the church for 10 years and I think she will continue to come to ours.  M is also staying here most of the holidays and told me tonite that she is hosting a Thanksgiving dinner at her flat on Saturday after our Thanksgiving!  She's from the south and cooking some really yummy homemade grub - turkey, apple and pumpkin pies, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and onions....and, and, and....SO excited about this!  We also discussed those of us 'left behind' for Christmas getting together several times, but certainly for midnight Mass.  I'm thankful to have a small group of other US students to hang out with during these times.  It should make it a little easier. 

Our parish is offering free Spanish lessons starting next week....oh, how I wish I could take advantage of this.  I just cannot spread myself too thin this first semester.  Our first exam isn't until, I will not have a clue how I'm doing until after then. Freakoid.

Oh, last neighbor across the hall (only 2 flats on each floor) invited me over for tea this afternoon.  I was out back hanging up my laundry on the line (yes, even though I have a dryer I am addicted to fresh, wind-dried laundry) and she asked me over.  I had such a nice chat with her.  It was me, her 8 month old, Suki and the greyhound.  Her husband, Pete, is away on business (he's a photographer) and her 15 year old daughter was off doing something.  She gave me a tour of their flat.  It's the exact same layout, but flipped.  It's amazing how much smaller it looked because it is stuffed to the gills with furniture and stuff (like a piano in the hallway).  They also use the boxroom that is my storage room as a nursery for baby. She does have a huge kitchen where I have some wasted space that serves as an eating area.  That probably also attributes to it looking smaller since it's filled up and mine is fairly empty sans a table and small pull out couch.  I will take full pics of my flat after the flooring is finished. 

Ok, now it's not an early bedtime anymore and I need to go to bed.

Till next time.


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