Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I am Not tired

My sleeping schedule has been out of whack lately, thanks to me.  I stay up late because I am without question a night owl and get my best work done at night....then, I get up early....then, I go to lectures/practicals/study all day......then, I come home and take a nap......then, I stay up too late.  Thus, the cycle continues.  I feel like I'm missing out if I go to bed before midnight!  This has got to stop though.  I end up getting enough sleep, but need to wake up a bit more refreshed.  The fact that I only have two lectures tomorrow makes it easier to stay up late.  However, I am meeting with two other classmates directly afterwards to go over some difficult material and then meeting a group for coffee at 2pm.  I got accepted to Edinburgh about a year and a half ago and deferred a year.  I met a few US students online that would have been in my class had I matriculated in 2009.  I stayed in contact with them and am finally meeting one (and 4 of her classmates) tomorrow.  I haven't met her yet because her class has already been transferred out to the new teaching facility at Easter Bush (where I will be next Fall).  So, all in all, it will be a long day anyways.  Good new is, espresso tends to really kick me into another gear.  So, maybe I won't nap tomorrow and will go to bed at a reasonable hour.

I've been kind of homesick lately...just missing the usual - friends, family, warm, sunny days, stop signs, big blue Toyota Sequioa's, mountain biking in my backyard and US TV!!!  I am not even going to start on the TV here, because it upsets me too much.  All I have to say, is that if I had DirecTv here, I would not be nearly as homesick.  Seriously. 

Enough of my complaining....  So, the best news is that I just talked to some of my old colleagues and business partners.  They were all together and having an incredible dinner together. I really miss those times.  It made me sad on one note, but much more fulfilled on another.  It is so good to hear familiar voices, remember great times and share a laugh with those you care about.  So, to all of my family and friends...know that I'm missing you, thinking of you and any little bit of interaction goes a long way.  Sooooo, don't be shy and leave a comment or two on my blog so I know you are here :-) 

Exciting news of the day: dissection of the rabbit was absolutely amazing.  I'll post pictures soon.  I only took a few before dissection and then hands got too funky to use my camera, but another student managed to get some good shots and I'll pirate some of her pics (with her permission, of course).

Good Night All. Sweet Dreams. Now I'm tired.


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