Friday, December 17, 2010

Culled wine and Christmas cheer

You know you are a veterinary student when you start changing words, unbeknownst to you, that reflect what you are studying.

Take, for example, the other night.  I attended a Christmas party at church where someone brought home-made mulled wine.  If you are a true follower (and I hope you are), you know that I discussed this particular evening.  Well, it just so happens that the editor-in-chief (ahem, that would be me) almost missed the fact that I wrote 'culled wine' and it almost made it to press.

For those of you that do not recognize this term, let me explain 'culled' for the layman.  If we are talking about dairy cows, when you say you are going to cull some of your cows, you are going to get 'rid' of them.  This is typically accomplished by euthanasia or slaughter. There are many reasons to cull, including: poor mothering, can no longer produce calves, abnormal teats (therefore is not a productive milker), mastitis, old age, etc. So, when writing about my evening, I wanted to share with everyone that I had had some culled wine. Yeah, that probably doesn't taste nearly as good as what I had.

This brings me to tonite.  I went out with some friends to the same 'At the World's End' pub I have previously written about.  And, I visited with the same Gray-hem at the store across the way. I popped my head, he had his back to me, and I said 'hiya...could you please tell me where the World's End is?'   He started mumbling about how disappointed I was going to be before he even turned around.  I mean, I WAS right across the street.  When he finally saw me, a huge grin came across his face.  I asked him if he remembered who I was (a stupid tourist over the summer asking where the pub was when I could throw a rock at it) and he smiled and said, 'why uv curs I dew. Yew rrrr da wun hew axed me last time'.  I took the crowd over to see him again after dinner and we got some more fabulous pictures.

I went to dinner with three classmates and a fiancee. That should be the name of a movie, or something.  It's the first time I met him and he is adorable. They make such a cute couple and she is so happy with him here. They leave for a whirlwind tour of Germany and other parts for the next 3 weeks, so I'm sad to see them go tomorrow.  I look forward to hanging out when they return in January.

It was pretty darn cold tonite. We went down to the German Market and had a blast. We drank some mulled wine (just called it 'culled' again first...)and played on a trampoline.  Many, many belly laughs were had and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Downtown has some lovely decorations and I am getting in the Christmas spirit.

Tomorrow will be bittersweet. I will be wishing many of my classmates a Merry Christmas and at the same time, saying good bye to some new friends for a bit.

Merry Christmas to everyone and Safe Travels!


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